Date(s) - 08/19/2020
8:00 am - 9:00 am

Virtual Webinar Meeting

Time:    8am -9am Presentation

Topic:    Fire…Wait, is that another drill?

This session will describe what to do in the event of a fire. Participants will be taught why fire drills are important and how to plan, practice and review their fire drills.

Speaker: Steve Waltman, Fires Safety Educator with the Ohio Division of State Fire Marshal

Steve is a fire safety educator with the Ohio Division of State Fire Marshal. He has been with that State Fire Marshal’s Office for 20 years. Prior to that he was Fire Fighter EMT.  Steve is a Fire and Life safety educator for the past 35 years.  He is a qualified in critical incident stress debriefing.

If you have any questions regarding this meeting or the Capital Area Safety Council and the BWC Rebate program, please contact Michele Blaney: [email protected] or 614-890-0800 x203

Meeting Registration Form - August